Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Little Break From the Interent

Hey, So you probably all figured out that I'm more of an Internet Person. You're right obviously, because of the Blog and the fact that almost everyone who reads it are People I met online. Anyways, I decided that it's time for a bit of a break from this whole "Internets" thing. Just for a bit, because I get my laptop back next week, apparently they DO know how to handle her and fixed her right up. You know... after two long, unbearable weeks. Yup, so that will be lovely, and I almost can't wait. But to make sure I don't waste my entire summer on Blogging, RPGs, and Music Videos I'm going to take some breaks now and then, just no computering. Hangout outside, Get some frozen yogurt or sno cones. That sort of fun normal person summer stuff.

I did do a little of that already, well, a lot of it really, but not lately. Plus some not so fun stuff's been going on and being out side makes me feel a bit better about all of it. In other news of my "Bad ass-itue" (total accidental rhyme there), I found the cool metal pipe I swing around before I use my Bokken (Japanese Wooden Sword), I'm pretty happy about that because it makes training easier. Another thing I haven't been doing much. It's kinda funny because my Mum and I were talking in the car about how she's all worried that there are "Dangerous People" hanging around in the creek/forest near our house. I jokingly told her next time i went down there I'd be armed. and she said "It's not like you go there at night, anyways.". I definitely go on night-walks down through there because it's cooler and very pretty on clear nights. But she doesn't know that.

Speaking of things my Mum doesn't know but I might get around to telling her someday...I decided to hold off for awhile about telling them about me being...bisexual? At least till I'm comfortable with it myself. Also, one of my friend's advised me to wait for a good time. You know, less stress on everyone. So that's the plan. If you've got some advice on this...let me know, because I'm very open to it. Until that happens, I might not talk about it nearly at all, or I might talk about it a lot. It's my first time so yeah.

Wish Me Luck With My Internet Break and All That Fun Stuff~

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