Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blogging Dreams

So last night I had a dream about Blogging. Well, It had my blog in it anyways. It started out with me in School, which proves it was a bad dream, and everyone was wearing orange shoes. Weird dream, right? Another weird thing was everyone was texting each other, in class, and no one was getting in trouble. Then, Either I forgot, or it(the dream) just Time-Skipped. I was in the cafeteria, but everyone was hooked up to their Laptops, Like their wrists had cords on them, connecting to the Sides of the Computer. But
it was only weird looking back, not during the dream. So I pulled out my computer, and got on to check my E-mail. I'd gotten a ton! Which is also pretty weird, usually I only get 5-7 a day. When I tried to open it, I got sent to a Video Blog. The only videos on there were videos of me!? Most of them were ordinary stuff like "Jo Sitting Down" or "Jo Sleeping in Theater"(I do that all the time, and I'm still passing) But there were also weird ones, and stalker-ish ones. I don't really remember what happened next; I'm pretty sure I went to a new dream where I was roller blading.

Then I woke up and said to myself "I gotta make notes on my dream so I won't forget!" If it was my brain trying to tell me to Stop Blogging, It didn't work. Sorry Brain.


  1. johana theres a bug in aq worlds so ima muted srry for not talking iam hugging u on it to tell u ima not mad iam mut so srry

  2. Hmm well yeah i guess you could say it was a weird dream.
