Guess what! I made a DeviantART Account! I'm putting Pics and Drawings on there as well as on here, so Check BOTH. Anyone who doesn't have one, should make an accout, it's free and stuff. And I don't really want to just post pics and hope someone finds them. So go Look at it, Pleeease?
It should be Pretty Easy to find, even if you can't use the Link (Above). I really don't make new usernames for stuff, I just use the same one, or change something small.
I cheaked it out and once i saw your cat i nearly fainted of the size of it lol.Also it is a pretty good looking flower.I hope you make more. thats a big cat and i forgot how to cahnge this ulimately wrong time D:<
I checked it out right now. Pretty awesome. I agree that your cat is very big xD