Saturday, February 5, 2011


They're weird. Not the ones now though, they have good reasons to riot. With some president dictator and stuff. No, the weird ones were the ones waaaaayyyy back. There was a History Documentary on last night, when I watched it, I thought This is sooo weird, all the guys are in skirts and stuff... I was talking with Pup about this. I don't think he agreed with me on the weirdness, but I have a video to prove how weird it was.

That proves it. In my opinion. Besides, now that song, Stuck in my head allll night, is maybe stuck in yours too. Annnyways, I'm doing better than last night. I'm a little bothered by how dense some people can be, but, I'm not great either.

In other news, It's a weekend, but not just any weekend, it's SuperBowl Weekend! I don't care for Football, but it does mean my family will get all together, and party and stuff.  So that's fun. Goooooo Steelers!

Finally, Watch the Newsies, It's the best movie ever made.

Comment as usual.

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